Addendum for Advan BASIC Compiler Manual Page 30 Add: While performing string operations the system uses part of the memory as work area. After a certain number of string operations, this area will need to be reorganized. To do this, the system stops the execution of your program briefly (usually a second or less), cleans the area, and resumes program execution. In many cases, you can, if necessary, virtually eliminate this pause. The command CODE"8A" inserted into program will force the system to reorganize the area. If this command is executed at regular intervals, the system will not have to pause to clean the area. The length of time to reorganize depends upon the number of string operations performed since last reorganization. Thus if only a few string operations take place between the execution of CODE"8A" commands, the time required for each of them will be very short. However, overall execution speed will be reduced somewhat by this technique, since it is more efficient to reorganize only when necessary. Page 31 At end of SAVEC and EXEC section, add: Normally if an error occurs during execution of a program, the system will give the error message and then display the program line where the error occurred. Suppose, however, you are using the EXEC command to run a compiled program from the disk. In this case, the program is not in the computer and the message 'INSERT PROG. DISK&ENTER NAME' will be given. At this point you should insert a disk with the program and enter the program name. The system will find the line on which error occurred and will print out the linenumber as well as the error message. Page 49 At the end of the page, add: Special note: Players and missiles are moved and/or changed during the vertical blank interrupt. Horizontal movement requires little computer time; vertical movement and/or changing the figure requires more time, especially for missiles. The greater the figure's height the longer the time. Since there is a limited amount of time available at the interrupt, it is important to keep the figures as short as possible. If too much time is taken, figures at the top of the screen might be distorted and some might not be moved. Page 58 At the end of the SIEVE.BAS section, add: Since this program needs a large amount of memory, 400/800 users will need to type RUN SIEVE.BAS 2.